Jack In The Box® Oreo Cookie Shake
If you live in one of the 15 Western states served by Jack inthe Box, you have no doubt cracked a gut from the hilarious
TV ads produced by this popular hamburger chain. In the spots
a suit-wearing "Jack" runs the company, even though he's got
a bulbous antenna ball for a head with a giant smiley-face
painted on it. He has a private jet, plays golf, even has kids
with mini antenna-ball heads.
Jack also has a featured shake flavor that, it turns out,
is very easy to make at home with a blender, ice cream, milk
and a handful of Oreo cookies. Sure the drive-thru is convenient
and easy. But if you don't feel like getting out, now you can
enjoy this clone at home from the first fast food chain in the
country to use a drive-thru window way beck when.
3 cups vanilla ice cream
1 1/2 cups milk
8 Oreo cookies
1. Combine the ice cream and milk in a blender and mix on low
speed until smooth. Stir the shake with a spoon to mix, if
2. Break Oreo cookies while adding them to the blender. Mix on
low speed for 5 to 10 seconds or until cookies are mostly pureed
into the shake, but a few larger pieces remain. Stir with a spoon
if necessary to help combine cookies.
3. Pour shake into two 12-ounce glasses.
Serves 2.